Fresh Ideas to Engage your Customers on Social Media
Fresh, it’s an uplifting word. Fresh brings about feelings of newness, innovation and brightness. We think of positive things when hearing that word. We want fresh food, fresh air, fresh beats. Let’s be honest, Will Smith’s career never would have taken off if he was known as The Stale Prince of Bel-Air. It’s time now, to bring some fresh ideas to engage your customers on your social media platforms. We are sharing some of our tips below:
- Play Favorites: Ask your customers to rate your products or services. Find out from them what they like and want. Perhaps they want more of one thing and you are pushing the other? Get them involved by simply asking them. The Poll App for Facebook allows you to poll your audience right on your page, getting them engaged and sharing their favorites with you! You could even simply pose the question as a post and gather the replies yourself.
- Get Them Talking: Post about trending topics in your industry and ask them their thoughts. Get them talking about issues or trends that are currently happening and get to know them. See what they have to say and use that to better understand where your customer is coming from.
Put Them to Work: Recently, I attended an event at a friend’s brewery. The day was long and fun and we shared our memories and experiences on social media, like many of us do. In addition to tagging our location, hashtags were used to talk about the event. Encourage your customers to spread your message via social media by using hashtags. It’s simple, free advertising for your business, as a customer, they will be part of buzz surrounding your event, message, product or whatever you are promoting!
- Lighten-up: Be a little lighthearted! Go off-topic from time-to-time and show your humorous, and human, side. It’s nice to be reminded that there are real people behind the scenes and not just another business trying to sell them something. It will brighten up their day, and probably yours too!
- Hear Me Out: We’ve said it before and we will say it again, be open to feedback. It is so very important that you seek out feedback online from your customers and even more important to respond, timely, to that feedback. Your customers will feel respected if their needs and concerns are addressed and acknowledged.
No one likes stale things…stale chips, stale cookies, stale bread. I take that back, stale bread works, how else would we get the gooey goodness of bread pudding or garlicky croutons?! In business though, stale is bad! So use some of the tips we’ve just shared to keep your business fresh on social media and if you need some guidance, contact us today to see how we can help!