businessmen-989143_1280Resolution Challenge 2016


Yes, this is another blog about resolutions in 2016. Is it groundbreaking to write about resolutions not even a week after the holiday? No, of course not, everyone is making resolutions and telling you about it, so why should care about this one? Because resolutions are a chance to be better and there is nothing wrong with striving to be better. It’s an exciting time – the beginning of 2016, let’s take this opportunity to challenge yourself and make 2016 the best year for your business.

If you look up the word resolution in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, you’ll get the short definition as the following:

  • the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc
  • an answer or solution to something
  • the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail


We challenge you to take a look at those bullet points and see where they can be applied to your business.

You may not have to dig deep to find ways where you can streamline your business and build up your efficiencies. What are the issues that held you back in 2015? Where would you like to go in 2016? Perhaps time management issues were something that plagued your business and took up time last year or you’re business needs some more online presence this year to drive traffic. Now is the time to start fresh and list your business resolutions and goals for 2016.

We’re making resolutions too! This year, our goals are to provide even more great tips and insights into maximizing your business potential, marketing your business through social media and continued exemplary virtual administrative support.

So, what are your goals and resolutions for the upcoming year? Leave us a comment below!

Contact us today to learn more about the support we offer at Virtual Office Admins. Have a very happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!