Check In on Your Resolutions and Goals
Now that we are coming to the end of January, let’s take a moment to reflect on your resolutions and goals set for 2016. How do you feel you are progressing on your goals? Perhaps you’ve exceeded where you wanted to be by the end of January. Some of you may have stayed the course of the plan and maybe some have you have had to retool your plan. Last week, we talked about how when a plan falls through, we can always make adjustments and move forward to reach our set goals.
I can tell you that for me, I had a hard time achieving my personal resolutions and goals this month. Each January, I do a detox. I got aggressive this year and decided to go for a whole month. Well, when I got to the day when I had to give up coffee, I cried only 4 hours after waking up with no sweet, sweet Java. After some well-meaning words from my husband, I ended up drinking an Americano and ended the day with a delicious glass of Pinot Noir and a piece of chocolate toffee. I fell off my goal, and it was a very hard fall.
After some time passed where I felt like I failed, I realized that setting resolutions and goals that high may have been a little too much. Instead of looking at it as a failure, I took time to remind myself where I was personally. I eat well in my normal everyday diet and I exercise every day, so why not set a more realistic goal for myself. Why set myself up for failure knowing that I cannot (and apparently will not) get through a day without coffee? I readjusted my goals and signed up for a new exercise class, which was a far more realistic goal for myself.
Professionally, I feel that I have been hitting the resolutions and goals that I have set for myself and adjusting things when needed to reach those goals, I’ve been striving to learn more and not only have I been learning more, I’ve been enjoying the process. My professional goals have left me feeling very motivated and excited. Instead of getting down on myself when I need to readjust a plan, I’ve been inspired to get creative on my Plan B to get me where I need to be to reach my goals.
Why am I telling you all of this? Today’s blog is just a little reminder that we are all in the same boat, really. We are all striving to meet our business and personal goals and it is important to check-in on those goals to make sure we are still on track or to make adjustments where needed. We have to remember, however, that we are not failing if we have to move to Plan B. What’s most important is to never give up on our goals because it will payoff in one way or another. My payoffs are still maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a new workout plan and professionally broadening my knowledge base – no matter how I reached those payoffs, I’m winning!
Check in with yourself today. Are things moving along just fine or do you need to readjust somewhere? Click here to learn about the services we offer that can help you reach your goals and contact us today!
Let’s continue to move toward a great 2016!