3 Fool-proof Ways to Ensure You Enjoy Your Vacation
Summertime is upon us and as is the unwritten law of summer, we take our vacations during this time. Vacation time is meant to have us relax and recharge our mind and body and should be spent worry-free. The worry free part seems to be the hardest part to embrace. What if we told you there was a way to enjoy your vacation without anxiety? Today, we’re going to help you learn how to take a worry free vacation and truly recharge. It’s possible.
While we all look forward to some time away from work, many of us experience anxiety at the thought of what could go wrong or what you will be coming back to. Even the fear that your cell phone will ring while you’re away is also a source of much anxiety. With these 3 foolproof tips to ensure you enjoy your vacation, you are bound to be more relaxed and recharged in no time.
Establish Your Chain of Command
Who are your go-tos in the workplace? These peers or subordinates should be your most trusted and reliable associates. Oftentimes, your trusty admin can come into play here. If you don’t have one, we happen to know a few that are available – click here (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Once you have your team figured out, spend time to go over their schedules. What do their plates look like while you’re out of the office? Make sure that they aren’t over-scheduled with other commitments or that they aren’t out of the office either. This will allow for them to have time to field any of your projects or situations that come up rather than having to table them.
Along with checking availability, match the appropriate projects with the appropriate point-person. Anticipate which issues could arise and make sure it is routed to the most appropriate person. Equally, if not more important, make sure your chain of command knows it’s the chain of command for you – don’t blindside anyone.
Set Boundaries and Guidelines
When someone is acting as coverage during paid time off, if the proper instruction isn’t given, mistakes can be made or you could be peppered with many phone calls and email for clarity. So, don’t leave any of your chain of command in the dark. Establish clear and concise guidelines for how to manage projects and resolve issues.
For each point-person, review with them exactly how to complete tasks and projects they will be undertaking in your absence. Walk them through any potential issues that could come up and review with them exactly how you would address and resolve the situation. Guide them on other resources they could use to solve the issue before they would need to contact you. Finally, give them the last resort situation in which they would need to get in touch with you.
Give Access
Give access to your chain of command. Not direct access and permission to reach you all the time, but access to your emails and voice mails. This most likely would fall under the responsibilities of an administrative assistant.
By having access to your voicemail, situations will be addressed immediately. Call backs can be made if required and routed of issues can be taken care of. By having someone monitor your email, you are also less likely to come back with 500+ emails. The person checking your emails can easily weed out any junk mail and prioritize what can wait until you’re return. They can then give you a full email update post-vacation.
By employing these three tips, you will be able to put your feet up with a little more ease. Perhaps sip that Mai Tai guilt-free? Maybe even finish that book that’s been collecting dust on your nightstand. Whatever you have planned for your summer vacation, take the appropriate steps to enjoy it and not have to fear what you will be walking back into upon your return.
Still think you cant take a worry free vacation? Well, now that you have your work settled, check out other blogs on vacation and traveling. Our blogs, 6 Travel Tips for Business or Fun and Healthy Tips for Business Travel will seal the deal on a worry free vacation.
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