Summer Blogging Ideas
As I sat down to write this week’s blog, I sat here scratching my head trying to figure out what to write about. We’re approaching the middle of August and my thoughts were clearly not on business, but on the heat and sunshine. I started to think of all of the many things about summer that we enjoy and thought to write about each of them. I figured, instead of stashing them up to use next summer, why not share summer blogging ideas with everyone else?
We’re givers here at Virtual Office Admins, not takers; so read on for some fun ideas to blog about in the upcoming weeks!
Vacation Locations:
Share with readers the top rated vacation destinations for that year’s summer. Earn bonus points if you give them links to deals on those hot spots!
Travel Tips:
Give your audience a chance to get a head of the game by offering up top travel tips for an easy and painless travel experience. Looking for ideas? Check out our blog from June 2015: 6 Travel Tips for Business or Fun
Good Reads:
I don’t know about you, but one of the best things about summer is sitting outside, whether on the beach or under a shady tree, and reading a good book. What are your favorites? Pass those along to your readers!
Recap Your Experiences:
Did you take an amazing vacation? Share your experience. Get personal with your followers and chronicle how you spent your vacation time. Show them that you, too, take time for yourself to maintain a healthy work/life balance.
Good Eats:
Summertime is all about getting together with good friends and relaxing in the backyard with some good grub! What are your favorite summer recipes? Link to yummy recipes, or share some of your own!
Why not have some fun with your summertime blogging with these? For more great blogging ideas, check out our blog, 9 Tips to Find Bright Ideas to Blog About.
Sara Husted is a partner, blogger and social media manager at Virtual Office Admins out of their west coast location. For a FREE consultation, click here to contact VOA today!