Busting Common Virtual Assistant Mythsoffice-620823_1920

Few will disagree that in today’s modern world, despite technology designed to increase our productivity and time management, our workloads seem to be increasing instead. As a result, many projects and tasks are put on the back burner, rushed through or worse yet, overlooked. To help, many companies are hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) to complete and/or manage such projects and tasks. Yet, some are hesitant to forge a relationship with a remote consultant based on some common virtual assistant myths.

We are busting common virtual assistant myths in an effort to clear up any misconceptions about hiring a VA to help you and your business become more efficient and gain more hours in your day. If you’re saying, “what could I even use a VA for?”. Be sure to check out our blog, Why Use a Virtual Assistant?, for some of the tasks a VA can take care of!

Myth 1: I can’t afford to hire a Virtual Assistant

This myth is, by far, the most common myth. Many think hiring a virtual assistant is too expensive. While hourly rates may look expensive on paper, there are many factors that are negated when you outsource to a VA.

Because a virtual assistant is not a full time employee, you are not paying for their benefits. That alone is a HUGE savings. In addition, because virtual assistants work remotely, overhead is at their expense. You’re not paying for expensive computers and printers, let alone smaller office supplies. Virtual assistants have complete offices set up out of their home.

Another factor is hours worked. Virtual assistants only bill for the hours they work. If you contract 10 hours of work a week with your VA, that is all your VA is going to bill you. Your virtual assistant will keep track of their hours and many will let you know when your hours are running out. Why pay for a whole 8 hour day when your VA only worked 3 hours of the day?

What seems like an expensive hourly rate is, in effect, cheaper than hiring a full-time employee and maintaining overhead, benefits and potential unused hours.

Myth 2: I can’t trust someone remotely with confidentiality

Virtual assistants are as trustworthy as your employees. Most virtual assistants come from traditional executive or administrative assistant backgrounds where they are required to uphold a high level of confidentiality, security and accountability.

For an extra level of security, many VA’s will sign confidentiality agreements to ensure that you’re proprietary information remains secure. In addition, because virtual assistants work with sensitive information, security of their equipment is at the most current and highest level. A virtual assistant would be happy to share with their client their best practices for keeping sensitive information secure and what software they use to ensure that it remains secure.

Myth 3: I don’t have the time to train anyone new

Initially, you do have to invest time into training a virtual assistant on your business practices, policies and processes. But, this time pales in comparison to the amount of time a VA will save you long-term.

In actuality, it will likely take only a small amount of time to train a virtual assistant. Many VA’s will spend time reading up on your policies and practices so you don’t have to explain it to them. In terms of processes, virtual assistants will offer ideas to streamline current processes in an effort to maximize both your and their time.

The investment in a virtual assistant will save you money in the long run. Virtual assistants become trusted partners in the success of your business. Because, that’s what their business is all about – the success of their client’s business. It’s their passion as much as your business is your passion.

Wanna know 7 Common Tasks to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant? We got you covered. It changes but these 7 are still some of the top tasks outsourced. Click here to read more…




Sara Husted is a partner, blogger and social media manager at Virtual Office Admins out of their west coast location. For a FREE consultation, click here to contact VOA today!