Instagram_Icon_LargeInstagram Stats and Demographics Infographic

New to Instagram or want to learn more? We’ve put together an Instagram Stats and Demographics Infographic with information to help you learn more including what audience you can find on Instagram along with other business statistics.

Why should your business have Instagram presence?Instagram 3.2.16

Instagram is one of the top ten social networking sites and is one of the most well known photo sharing sites. With over 400 million+ active users per month on Instagram, this platform isn’t all about selfies and photos of people’s dinners.

Not all business should have a large Instagram presence. Fashion, for example, is a leading industry on Instagram as well as other highly visual industries and on top of that, 91% of retailers are currently on the photo sharing social networking site. That being said, building a presence on Instagram is certainly important for a business even if they are not in fashion. If the target audience is on Instagram, then that’s where your business should go to connect.

Click on our infographic to the right for more stats and demographics on Instagram!

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Sources:  Instagram, DMR,, Hootsuite

Instagram Icon courtesy of Instagram.