To-Do List Got You Frazzled? Utilize a Virtual Assistant!

To-Do List Got You Frazzled? Utilize a Virtual Assistant!   We have all been there. A growing list of important tasks looming in front of you; you may start your day thinking, “How will I ever get ahead of this?” We are here to help. When you team up with a Virtual Assistant, you not…

5 Reasons to Hire a Social Media Manager (who isn’t your kid!)

5 Reasons to Hire a Social Media Manager (who isn’t your kid!) Social media, seems easy enough, right? Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Yelp, everyone seems to be on it. Kids, parents, grandparents are taking to social media on a daily basis. There are even Facebook pages for pets. Why pay someone to communicate online when you…


9 Tips to Find Bright Ideas to Blog About

Always searching for ideas to blog about?  We are sharing 9 Tips to find bright ideas to blog about. 1. Set Google Alerts for certain keywords of interest to you and your business. Read other people’s post and get your own ideas. Write from your own experiences.  2. Join other people’s newsletters and see what…

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Why Use a Virtual Assistant?

You may hear a lot of talk about using Virtual Assistants and wonder… Why Use a Virtual Assistant when I am completely capable of doing the work? Let me ask you, why do the work that “anyone” can do when you should be doing the work that ONLY YOU can do?  What I mean by…